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Nothing should be taken for granted and we don’t know what will happen tomorrow so try to make every day count and fill it with joy, happiness, love and understanding as much as possible.

Dropping in to post a blog or two before the end of this fantastic year. Thanks to everyone who attended my last gig at the Bull's Head. Thank you for coming out to play and keeping LIVE MUSIC ALIVE! It was the gig that just kept giving. As I always am after a great gig, I'm still flying even up to now. Thank you all for the bottom of my heart!!!

I’d like to introduce you to some of my talented family and to some others who help to make my life a gorgeous place to be. Check them out when you can. They’re truly inspirational.

Liana, my daughter, the chef. Check her out and "like" her page and follow her. You can find her here on Facebook on Twitter and on Instagram.

My cousin Nathan Massiah is the founder of Fresh Laces, a seriously fresh funky fabulous sneaker company. You may have already seen my first pair of pumps wearing the Bajan flag stylie. Honestly, they’re the most comfortable footwear my feet have had the pleasure to wear in a long time. I wear a lot of heels for my shows which I love but getting into my Bajan Beauties is a necessity after spending hours upstairs. He's alson on Twitter… and of course on Instagram. Any design your hearts desire is yours. Get hooked up and check out Nathan now!

Meet Elisa Francis! Founder of Elisha Francis London, jewellery of unique quality and exceptional style. Elisha just happens to be the wife of my cousin Nathan. Check her out on Twitter and on Instagram

Here’s James Massiah, the poet! A name to watch for the future. Check James on Twitter… and Instagram. Young entrepenerus doing it for themselves. May their journey be a happy one, succesful, fun, exciting and loving. Their eyes are on the prize bringing people together and making a better world for all of us to live in. Unity is the key. Stop by and "like" their pages too and show your support.

Giving a shout out to my precious little grandson Zavier who is becoming a budding football player. Step by step little one. I hope this is the dream that you seek and if not, I know you will find your way. Time is on your side, yes it is....

Through Liana, I found Way of Therapy on New Kings Road. Once in a while you come across a divine find. My find is Arianne, one of the massage therapists at WOT. She’s totally AWESOME! Don’t take my word for it. Book an appointment and go see for yourself. Treat yourself to something fabulous for the New Year. It would be rude not too and anyway... you deserve it because you're so worth it :-)


Zeeteah xxx

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