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WOO HOO! Loving the 24 degrees in the middle of September. Keep it coming and more Juice please!!

I can’t believe it’s already been 5 weeks since we unleashed our new album into the world. We’re getting ready to make a bit of a splash so stay tuned.

We had a great time last week at Muna's crib, the Book and Kitchen. It was the first time working as a trio with Rick and Sophie, who played the Cajon. We like very much. Thanks to the peeps from the street who came out to support us. Those fabulous Powervibe gals were in residence again bringing a multitude of friends with them. Love you girls!!!

Massive thanks and respect goes out to Markus Roosen (photographer) and his friend Andy, who came all the way from Germany (on their bikes). I am sorry that you missed the show. It was ever so sweet of you to make the effort and come to West London, after your horrendous journey to the UK. I’m glad we had time to catch up afterwards. I hope you had a lot of fun on your Ace Café Reunion Brighton Burn Up. Looking forward to seeing in Germany in the very near future.

I will be in Rotterdam this weekend taking part in Kiran’s hair show for Stephany’s Black Styles Magazine. An array of amazing talent will be displayed on this two-day event. People from all over the world will be showing off their specialties and everything to do with hair. I am excited to be partnering up with Genelva Lo as presenters for the show. Mega thrilled to be performing songs from the new album. All details for the show can be found here. It’s going to be a crazy weekend.

Have a wonderful week y'all. See you soon!



Zeeteah xxx

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